Recommendations On Taking K1 And K2 Vitamins Through Separate Recommended Daily Intakes 

As you know, our bodies need specific vitamins to sustain us throughout our daily activities, so we must consider taking our vitamins on time. People who ignore taking vitamins in their daily lives may suffer as they’ll experience a lack of energy and vitality. Specific vitamins such as K1 and K2 have been described as crucial for sufficient sustainability. VitaminsK1 and K2 contribute to human health differently. Research suggests that K1 and K2 work differently, so their recommended daily intake (RDI) also varies. The isoforms of K1 and K2 are different than one another, making them work differently on various parts of our bodies. 

Significance Of K2 

According to research, K2 offers numerous cardiovascular diseases and bone metabolism benefits. People suffering from heart diseases or poor bone health should immediately start consuming sufficientK2 to improve their health.K2 has also been shown to positively affect other cellular processes, making it beneficial for various organs in the human body. The evidence proving K2’s significance on the human body is too substantial to ignore. Numerous scientists have studied vitamin K. It has been found that, although K1 and K2 might have the same molecular structure, their functions are very different. K1 and K2 are categorized as the same vitamin, but their effects on the human body are significantly contrasting. 

The Recommended Daily Intake 

For years, vitamin K has been considered an overall beneficial vitamin for the human body. It undoubtedly is, but vitamin K has sub-categories that affect the body differently. Scientists have developed a recommended daily intake for each K1 and K2.The RDI is based on vitamin K to maintain an appropriate blood clotting function. Newer research suggests that K12 plays a more dominant role in the human body due to its bioavailability and bioactivity. Vitamin K12 works as a broad spectrum as it positively impacts cardiovascular health and bone metabolism and calcifies soft tissues, among other things. K12 has plenty more to offer than K1 and is recommended to people looking to improve their health. 

Consuming Enough Vitamin K 

Vitamin K’s daily dose is set at 90 mcg/day for adult women and 120 mcg/day for adult men. If you take a lesser or a higher amount than the recommended adequate intake, you might not experience any of the vitamin’s benefits as there would be either be a lack or an excess of the dose. The best way to consume sufficient vitamin K is through dietary means. You can add vegetables like spinach to your omelet or eat a healthy green salad. The greener vegetables you consume, the easier you’ll absorb vitamin K into your system. As for K2, no ideal dose has been announced yet. It’s better to stick to healthy foods containing K2 to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins. Foods like eggs, specific cheeses, and dark red meats will get your body going well. 

Final Notes 

Vitamins K1 and K2 have incredibly positive impacts on the human body, so you must start consuming them immediately. Foods rich with vitamin K will help you get a healthier heart and stronger bones, among other improved functions.