
Causes And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency 

Causes And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency 

A vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems in a growing body and can negatively impact our bones and muscles, which can become weaker and cause nervous, musculoskeletal, and immune system problems, making us susceptible to certain illnesses and diseases. Infants...

How L-Arginine Benefits The Body

How L-Arginine Benefits The Body

L-arginine, also known as arginine, is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps produce protein. You get L-arginine from food and make it in your body. L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid, but it's an important protein component. It may help reduce high blood...

Learning More About The Sober Curious Movement

Learning More About The Sober Curious Movement

Feeling curious about the sober curious movement? This is a growing health trend that everyone should take note of.  Sober Curious Movement Defined   The sober curious movement is simply about limiting and controlling alcohol intake. And no, it is not about alcoholics...

The Benefits Of Adding Acai To Your Diet  

The Benefits Of Adding Acai To Your Diet  

Acai, native to the Amazon rainforest, has long been a staple in the diets of people there. While it's only recently become popular in the Western world, acai has been consumed as food and medicine for centuries.  There Are A Lot Of Reasons To Include Acai In Your...

Are Dietary Supplements FDA Certified?  

Are Dietary Supplements FDA Certified?  

Many people are interested in taking dietary supplements to improve their health, but some may not be aware that the FDA does not certify these products. In fact, the FDA only regulates a small number of supplements, and manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the...

Recognizing The Early Symptoms Of Low Iron In Women 

Recognizing The Early Symptoms Of Low Iron In Women 

Many people don’t pay attention to health issues like iron deficiency. However, they should as it affects their quality of life, especially women. Low iron is not a condition that easily makes itself obvious, so you must know the symptoms to lookout for. Low iron is...

Learning The Basics Of Relaxing Acupressure Points 

Learning The Basics Of Relaxing Acupressure Points 

Has anyone told you that you can cure illness or heal pain by pressing some specific points on your body? If you already know, then you would have guessed that we are talking about acupressure. For people who are unsure about its benefits, here we will tell you about...

6 Body Positive Self Care Practices  

6 Body Positive Self Care Practices  

Social media promotes many trends these days, which are a source of true wisdom and empowerment. Body positivity is one of them. Women from all over the world are now opening up about their body shapes and sizes and sharing their pictures openly as a sign of...

Important Changes To Know For Medicare Advantage Plans In 2022 

Important Changes To Know For Medicare Advantage Plans In 2022 

Political and economic factors play a role in determining the changes in Medicare each year. Amidst record-breaking stock market fluctuations and early retirements due to the global pandemic, we’ve all seen significant changes in the last three years.   Medicare...

Should You Take Individual Vitamins Or A Multivitamin? 

Should You Take Individual Vitamins Or A Multivitamin? 

Multivitamin supplements are widely recommended and used. They combine vitamins and minerals which is the first step in starting a supplement regime. Anyone who wants to do so can find a variety of options at any drugstore. Multivitamins help make up for any missing...

Green Tech Optimizes Benefits Of Aged Black Garlic Extract 

Green Tech Optimizes Benefits Of Aged Black Garlic Extract 

Consumers are gaining awareness regarding the ingredients they put in their bodies. Now, they’re actively looking for ingredients that benefit their health. Fortunately for consumers, pharmaceutical companies recognize their need for a healthier lifestyle and have...

Do Beard-Growth Vitamins Really Work? 

Do Beard-Growth Vitamins Really Work? 

Beard growth is certainly possible by taking certain vitamins like biotin that can play a part in improving facial hair growth, but our genetics limit us. If you can't grow a beard, you might need to accept it. Not everyone can grow a full beard, but many choose to...

Recognizing The Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency

Recognizing The Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency

Have you ever considered if you're deficient in any vitamins or minerals? You may not have, but you should. Our bodies need nutrients to function and perform their duties, and when we don't provide them with what they need, they can become malnourished. As a result,...

Why You Should Prioritize Discipline Over Motivation

Why You Should Prioritize Discipline Over Motivation

At some point, we all wonder: How to get things done? How can we become more consistent, productive, and efficient to accomplish all our goals?  Despite the hype and attention, staying motivated isn’t everything; it may not be as crucial as discipline. Find out why...

How To Keep Up With Working Out In Past Military Life

How To Keep Up With Working Out In Past Military Life

It is a wise idea for everyone, in general, to take part in a workout routine. However, veterans, in particular, may have even extra incentives to keep in shape. This is because exercise in general is a fantastic preventative measure of many long-term health issues...

Potential Dangers Of Supplements With Spirulina

Potential Dangers Of Supplements With Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue-green-colored algae that is also considered one of the greatest superfoods. As a result, it is used in many supplements. The reason behind this is that spirulina is rich in vitamins and minerals with 60% comprising of protein.  If that wasn’t...

Learning The Benefits Of Different Types Of Amino Acids

Learning The Benefits Of Different Types Of Amino Acids

You've probably heard about essential amino acids before, but what do you really know about them? Essential amino acids are comprised of a number of different amino acids that cannot be created by your body. When you ingest protein from a food source, the essential...

Easy Ways To Cut Down Bottled Water Waste

Easy Ways To Cut Down Bottled Water Waste

Drinking water throughout the day is really beneficial for your overall health. It keeps you hydrated, and fresh and is beneficial for your skin. However, the choice you make of sourcing your daily water intake through a purchase of bottled water from the cafeteria –...

4 Anti-Aging Tips For Glowing Skin

4 Anti-Aging Tips For Glowing Skin

Does the mere thought of wrinkles give you shudders and nightmares? Do you want to slow down your aging and still have radiant skin even in your old age? You should start working on your skincare today.  Here are a few anti-aging tips. They should be a part of your...

4 Best Essential Oils To Improve Your Health

4 Best Essential Oils To Improve Your Health

Is your life stressful? Do you crave feeling the inner bliss that makes you release all the pent-up tension? Aromatherapy is precisely what your mind, body, and soul need. Regular use of essential oils improves your senses, reduces your anxiety, and keeps several...

The Most Important Nutrients To Healthy Skin

The Most Important Nutrients To Healthy Skin

There are many factors that go into achieving healthy and clear skin and then maintaining it. A good skincare routine is of course important, but it may not even matter unless you are giving yourself the proper food and supplements. Here are some of the most crucial...

Weight Gain Caused By Vegan Diets

Weight Gain Caused By Vegan Diets

If you’re not in the know of the vegan lifestyle, we guide you through the basics including changes in diet and lifestyle. The vegan diet restricts meat, eggs, and dairy products - any foods where the makings of animals are involved.   Vegan diets are not medically...

The Origin Story Of The Jack-O’-Lantern

The Origin Story Of The Jack-O’-Lantern

Jack-o'-lanterns is one of the biggest Halloween traditions next to trick-or-treating, but the jack-o'-lantern dated back to the 17thcentury that started as an Irish legend. The first jack-o'-lanterns weren’t made of pumpkins, but rather large turnips or potatoes...

Ways To Use Mango Butter For Skincare And Healthcare

Ways To Use Mango Butter For Skincare And Healthcare

Natural beauty products are growing in popularity such as cocoa and shea butter, but mango butter is becoming more popular to use as a natural beauty product. Mango butter is a luxurious alternative to the more common butter beauty products that is soothing and...

The Connection Between Productivity And Cleanliness

The Connection Between Productivity And Cleanliness

Environment is arguably one of the most important factors to success, productivity, and your overall state of mental wellbeing. Many of us have goals that we want to achieve on a given day, but when the conditions to accomplish these goals are not ideal, we can face...

The Best Benefits Of Sunlight

The Best Benefits Of Sunlight

You likely already know that getting a healthy intake of sunlight is beneficial for your general health. However, you may have wondered in what specific ways the sun actually impacts our bodies in positive ways. In the world of health and wellness, it is crucial to...

Non-Toxic Natural Flea Remedies For Pets

Non-Toxic Natural Flea Remedies For Pets

You might have noticed your pet is scratching themselves more than usual and it might be the f-word, fleas. Most flea medications contain toxic ingredients and can irritate the skin of pets with sensitive skin or allergies. Instead of using flea medications with...

4 Reasons You Should Wake Up Early

4 Reasons You Should Wake Up Early

Getting enough sleep is crucial to many aspects of your mental and physical health. With this in mind, it is also important that you set yourself to a healthy sleep schedule rather than just fixating on the hours. In fact, there are many benefits of a schedule that...

Meet The Red Panda

Meet The Red Panda

The red panda is a unique animal that seems to be related to the bear family but is actually a part of the raccoon animal family. Nearly half of the red panda habitat is in the Eastern Himalayas near Nepal, with an herbivore diet consisting primarily of bamboo.   This...

The Country Singer Without A Face

The Country Singer Without A Face

Country star Orville Peck is known for his trademark fringe face mask and is being compared to the preferably anonymous pop star Sia. Peck is a rising star that wants fans to focus on the music rather than his appearance, revealing in an interview, “If anything, I...

Cleaning With An Eco-Friendly Versatile Cleaner

Cleaning With An Eco-Friendly Versatile Cleaner

A majority of cleaners have ton ingredients and chemicals that you can barely pronounce, but there is one clean soap that can be used virtually anywhere. You might have heard about Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap or seen it in stores, but this cleaner is versatile...

How Frequent Travel Can Affect Your Health

How Frequent Travel Can Affect Your Health

People are generally on the go, whether it’s for professional reasons on personal ones. However, frequent travel like anything done in excess can have long-lasting effects on your health. Not just physically, but even mentally. In this article, we will discuss some of...

10 Personal Tips on Staying Healthy

10 Personal Tips on Staying Healthy

Health comes from living a healthy lifestyle. Health-like many other things- is not something that you can gain overnight. Health is something you have to work for regularly. Once you lose the mindset of health, it is difficult to regain it. Focus on maintaining your...

Cheap Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

Cheap Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life

High quality of life has nothing to do with how much money you have. In fact, your quality of life depends on how well you manage your finances and the resources available. You can improve your living standards by paying attention to your household expenses and...