Learning More About The Sober Curious Movement

Feeling curious about the sober curious movement? This is a growing health trend that everyone should take note of. 

Sober Curious Movement Defined  

The sober curious movement is simply about limiting and controlling alcohol intake. And no, it is not about alcoholics giving up booze altogether. You don’t have to eschew alcohol completely if you are sober curious.

This movement is about exploring how limiting alcohol intake can improve your health and wellbeing. Being sober curious does not mean that you are struggling with alcohol abuse. Even those who resort to moderate drinking may want to limit alcohol intake because there is much anecdotal as well as scientific evidence to suggest that moderate drinking can cause health issues. 

Is Moderate Drinking All That Safe? 

Even moderate drinkers have problems with daily alcohol intake of just one or two glasses of wine each day which is by no means intemperate. For example, they might have dulled mild headaches for no apparent reason that don’t go away except when they give up alcohol.

It might also be interfering with their sleep and causing them drowsiness and lethargy throughout the day along with the consequences of poor sleep. That does not mean that you have to give up the good stuff completely.

For most Americans, it’s hard to imagine a life with no alcohol at all. With food, social occasions and so much more all centered around drinking, doing so would be unthinkable. You would hardly be able to socialize let alone enjoy life even a bit. For the average American, life without a merry drink now and then is simply not worth it.

As much as we love our booze, booze may not love us. There is no evidence to suggest that there is no safe drinking limit. That is, alcohol damage is dose dependent. 

Moderate Drinking And Science

There is evidence to suggest from large global studies that there is no safe limit to alcohol. Then what about studies that apparently show how moderate drinking helps? The answer is that these studies carry an inherent bias.

The teetotalers in these studies are often individuals with serious health conditions who have no choice but to give up alcohol. More often than not, they are ex-alcoholics with serious substance abuse problems in the past.

That makes sense for no one here in America would go teetotaling unless their health is in dire straits. The moderate drinking theory is falling apart much to the dismay of happy drinkers. Sadly, booze is not as safe or uncontroversial as we would like to imagine.

If you suspect that mild drinking could be behind some of your health problems, you may want to hop on the sober curious bandwagon. Even if you don’t suspect any alcohol-related health issues, you would still want to give it a try since countless others have tried it to find out they feel fresher, more invigorated, less lethargic, and more energetic, and so on. That is hardly surprising considering that alcohol is technically a drug, so giving it up for a while should make a big difference to your health.