Do Beard-Growth Vitamins Really Work? 

Beard growth is certainly possible by taking certain vitamins like biotin that can play a part in improving facial hair growth, but our genetics limit us. If you can’t grow a beard, you might need to accept it. Not everyone can grow a full beard, but many choose to experiment with chemicals and supplements to see if it’s possible. 

What Is Biotin?

Biotin, or vitamin B7, plays an important function in metabolizing the macronutrients we consume in our diet. Although our bodies can produce small amounts of biotin, we cannot synthesize this vitamin properly, which means it is in our best interests to eat foods rich in this particular vitamin. 

Studies have shown that biotin is responsible for producing keratin, which is a protein that makes up our hair and nails. The recommended daily dose for biotin is determined to be 30 mcg, and we should try to consume natural sources of this vitamin-like nuts, seeds, meat, and some fruits. 

Does Biotin Enhance Beard Growth?

Although it isn’t clear that any supplements can facilitate beard growth, some studies indicate biotin’s effectiveness in enhancing hair thickness. You can somewhat control hair loss conditions like alopecia by consuming biotin daily, but it’s not obvious that this vitamin targets beard growth. 

Research has shown that people may only notice benefits from consuming biotin if they are deficient in vitamin B7. Otherwise, it may not be as effective as advertised by beard-growth products that promise growth. Not many people have a biotin deficiency, which means it may not cause any changes in your facial hair growth. 

Are Beard-Growth Supplements Helpful?

Many supplements in the market promise facial hair growth, and these are targeted toward men who can grow some facial hair but don’t have a complete and thick beard. However, most of these supplements are not scientifically backed, and the companies that claim they are only saying that to boost their sales. 

Some evidence points to vitamin D is effective at stimulating dormant hair follicles, but that is again mostly relevant for people with a vitamin D deficiency. A supplement on the market called Beardilizer aims to improve facial hair growth by providing essential nutrients like vitamins C, B7, and A. 

However, many people have reported the product to be ineffective, primarily because they are limited by their beard genetics, which is the main reason they cannot grow a beard. You can topically apply some chemicals like minoxidil for facial hair growth, but once you stop using it, your beard returns to its normal state. 

Tips To Grow Your Beard

Some of the best ways to ensure you are doing everything in your power to maximize facial hair growth are to reduce stress, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and quit smoking. By considering all of these factors, you prioritize your health and ensure that you have the best fighting chance to reach your facial hair goals. 

Final Thoughts

Many men in today’s age are insecure about hair loss and are constantly seeking new ways to improve their appearance. Although vitamins can play a small part in improving facial hair growth, they are unlikely to be noticeably effective in providing the desired results. Our genetics limits us, and we should learn to practice self-acceptance instead of wasting our time trying to live up to a certain image we have of ourselves. 

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look our best, but sometimes it is better to focus on more meaningful things instead of our egocentric desires to look our best. People age and lose their looks, so it’s best to not cling to something that’s temporary or risk being miserable for the rest of our lives.