Causes And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency 

A vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems in a growing body and can negatively impact our bones and muscles, which can become weaker and cause nervous, musculoskeletal, and immune system problems, making us susceptible to certain illnesses and diseases. Infants can develop a disease called rickets, which is particularly difficult to deal with and can lead to many complications if left untreated. These are some of the causes and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. 

Lack Of Sun Exposure

Our bodies synthesize vitamin D by utilizing the sunlight that falls on our skin, which means that people who do not receive enough sunlight from the environment are at risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency. If you’re living in areas that do not experience a lot of sunlight, you need to prioritize sunbathing at specific hours or supplement vitamin D in tablet form. 

Lack Of Vitamin D Rich Foods 

You can expect to find adequate amounts of vitamin D in foods like fish, red meat, liver, egg yolks, and other fortified foods. If your diet is severely lacking in essential nutrients, you may contract a vitamin D deficiency. Your best bet would be to eat foods with a balanced micronutrient profile to ensure you are meeting your daily vitamin D requirements. 

Lack Of Vitamin Supplements 

Many people find that they do not eat enough of a varied diet to meet their vitamin requirements, making it important for them to consume vitamin supplements, which have a positive impact on their health. You can find brands containing 600 IU of vitamin D, which is the adult dosing requirement that yields the best health results. 

You Have A Disease That Causes Malabsorption 

Many people suffering from diseases like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease are at risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency because they cannot digest fat properly. Since vitamin D is fat-soluble and needs fatty acids for optimal absorption, you may develop a deficiency if you suffer from these disorders. You may want to consult your doctor for the best way to consume vitamin D if this is the issue. 

You Have Dark Skin 

Many people with dark skin struggle to produce enough vitamin D from the sun if their skin contains alot of melanin, which results in the dark pigmentation of their skin. This can cause them to not be able to convert vitamin D to its active form, resulting in a deficiency. People with dark-colored skin may want to supplement their vitamin D to prevent a deficiency. 

You Are Taking Medicines With Side Effects 

Some medicines can interfere with the body’s ability to convert vitamin D to its active form, resulting in malabsorption despite consuming enough of the micronutrient in their diet. You should consult your doctor about this issue if you notice a deficiency so you can take the right medicines that offer the least amount of side effects. If that is not possible, you may want to supplement enough vitamin D to ensure your body can utilize it for metabolic and immune system processes.